IAYP Report
By Mona Sathya Day 1: 25th September For purpose of creating awareness and contributing to the cleanliness of the beautiful yelagiri hills, I along with my fellow classmates went on a trip to the yelagiri hills. After waiting for our friends to arrive for the journey,...
The Peak
By Vishnu Dronadula I once tried climbing a mountain but was too scared to do it. It was during my brother’s birthday. My brother invited his friends to our home to celebrate his birthday. My brother, his friends, and I all decided to climb the mountain near our home...
Bhagwad Gita
A path to find true bliss. By S. Srinidhi Epics and incidents have left us with strong imprints of important life lessons, which applies to all generations. Yet, how does it impact one’s life? Firstly, many texts around the world such as Bible,and Quran are pure and...
Sights and sounds of Kodaikanal
Enchanting land of ecstasy endowed with aesthetic views and entrancing sounds By R. Lakshna Sumati The blissful landforms, the serene lake, the chillness of humid air, and the reverberating resonances of the waterfalls transacts with our mind, induces inner peace,...
How I met my best friend
By Vishnu Dronadula Hazy rays of light penetrated the curtains. The maddening alarm clock stirred my lazy self-awake. I leisurely put on my enormous brown coat, my grey woollen gloves, my dull black boots and my notable red scarf. I drowsily opened the door when...
Thiruvarur Festival
Mesmerising Mountanious Monumental Thiruvarur Chariat Festival!! Thriuvarur, a small cocoon and heavenly town, is located in Tamil Nadu, India. Serene luxuriant farmlands boarded by the Western Ghats add exotic natural beauty to the sacred land. The beautiful village...
Mt.Kamet Expedition
By I.J Maayav . Once I...
Ever Educated Society
By Mahalakshmi R. Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man’ says Swami Vivekananda, a Hindu Monk. When we probe through the quote, we understand that in this world there is no one who is uneducated; a person’s survival skill set is itself an...
Flipped Classroom
Flipped classrooms are a transformative approach to education that puts students at the heart of the learning process. Unlike traditional teaching methods, where teachers deliver lectures in class and assign homework for practice, the flipped classroom model reverses...
The Thief – A story by our learner
It is an eerie night. One could hear owls screeching. The castle of one of the richest kingdoms is being infiltrated by a lone figure lurking in the darkness. Silent as a cat, he breezes through the lazy guards at the gate. As he sneaks up through the castle...

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