A path to find true bliss.

By S. Srinidhi

Epics and incidents have left us with strong imprints of important life lessons, which applies to all generations. Yet, how does it impact one’s life?

Firstly, many texts around the world such as Bible,and Quran are pure and informative in terms of religion. Yet, beyond the religious concerns, all of these provide answers to all sorts of questions that mankind could possibly have. One of such immense and spiritual text that tells us about the way of living life, is Bhagavad Gita.

Over several decades, the world has become much more materialistic than being spiritual. Indeed, this transition has led to a monotonous life, with increasing sense of greed, selfishness, and pride. Despite this dynamic lifestyle, some people seek to lead a happy and pleasant life. In order to mend ourselves into a better human being, Bhagavad Gita has exquisitely highlighted several aspects that direct our path to our inner soul.

The journey for finding our inner soul, not only requires strengthening and purifying ourselves, but also includes the concern for the wellbeing of all other species that are around us.

“लोका: समस्ता: सुखिनोभवन्तु”

This is well conveyed in Bhagavad Gita that the supreme God resides in the souls of all the species. This is a significant quality that mends human to love, and treat fellow beings equally, there by prevent the nature of causing harm to others. This aspect in turn, prevents further threats to the mankind, according to karma( the output of actions that determine ones destiny). The theory of karma states that every action and the intention behind it would have effects on the performer of the action, and not on others. This cycle of karma has negatively affected the mankind, as the ruthless actions towards Earth and its inhabitants by humans, has been strongly counteracted by Mother Nature. A familiar worldwide incident of this counteraction includes the current pandemic. Many people around the world believe this to be the effect of karma and that mankind deserves it.

In fact, karma doesn’t rely on only the actions of humankind as a whole, but it applies to each individual’s intentions. This leads to another important phrase in Bhagavad Gita

“त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं  द्वारं नाशनमात्मन: |
 काम: क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्त्रयं त्यजेत् ||

which mentions that one should avoid  lust, anger and greed towards anything. In this materialistic world, the above aspects act as a barrier for an individual from getting a good insight of what spirituality and eternal bliss is. As people seek materialistic lifestyle (which is a magical world tied around one’s life) they tend to forget that these are temporary, and that change is only permanent in life.These negative characteristics of mankind has led to pathways for corruption and illicit acts. Yet, truth comes to light, as a result of karma.For instance, in the year of 2016, India announced banknote of demonetization, which unwrapped many acts of corruption around the country. These acts aren’t desired only for money, but it is inclusive of sexual desires, desire for wealth and power. The moment when the aspect of greed sprouts at any stage of life, one should realize its consequences and protect themselves by limiting their desires, be contended with what they’re gifted with and find happiness within them.

In addition to the above acts, the most evident aspect that the current generation face, is fear. This generation has a wide range of possible fears to encounter, like fear of responsibility, fear of losing closed ones, fear of change, to name a few. In recent times, like the pandemic, an unexplainable sense of fear arises within us. For instance, I as an individual, experienced the initial stage of OCD due to fear of germs and went through post traumatic growth.  This had severely affected my lifestyle, academics, and mental health. Once I reviewed my condition, I realised that many people around the world have also experienced this condition. During these tough times, spirituality through Bhagavad Gita raised my confidence and clarity towards facing my fear.

उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत् |
आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मन: ||

“The mind is like an enemy for those who don’t control it” is one of most beautiful, and powerful phrases from Bhagavad Gita that helped me to face my fear.This is because, this phrase illustrates how powerful our minds would turn once we start to control them and how it would retaliate if we don’t. This is inclusive of emotions, dilemmas, confusions, which are unpredictable, yet controllable aspects of one’s mind. The skill of mastering our minds arises from the act of practicing meditation and Yoga regularly. This indeed, not only helps us to overcome fear, but also helps us to realise our true selves and find inner peace.

In top of all the above stated aspects described in Bhagavad Gita, the most prominent quality is to do our actions without any desire towards the fruit of the actions. This helps one to stay disciplined, avoid greed and attain eternal bliss.

In conclusion, true bliss is about finding your true self and appreciating what you are gifted with. In order to attain inner peace and happiness, its important to incorporate changes to your lifestyle and character gradually over time. In this context, its very much important to learn that change comes from within. Remember that the Supreme God was just a facilitator to Arjuna the warrior, who’s the one to decide upon his own actions. Thus, initiate efforts to bring in change, and avoid detaching yourself from your responsibilities. This is because, the Supreme God will only act as your facilitator, but the change through actions must be incorporated by you.