Sep 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
It is an eerie night. One could hear owls screeching. The castle of one of the richest kingdoms is being infiltrated by a lone figure lurking in the darkness. Silent as a cat, he breezes through the lazy guards at the gate. As he sneaks up through the castle...
Sep 25, 2020 | Student Poems
The Sea A glorious glistening blue blanket, smashing smouldering surfs spuming, Not unlike liquid sky, glistening, Rushing recurrently to touch the shore, Whooshing waves ebbing away, Tranquil yet carrying behemoths, Uniting far away worlds, With its white dashing...
Sep 22, 2020 | Student Blogs
Young learners globally are at an impasse. They are sandwiched between aspiring to learn and unable to learn. If anybody thinks COVID-19 has only impacted jobs and health, they are far from the truth. This colossal pandemic has caused schools to shut globally....
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